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I'm Kris Watterson. I've been a professional graphic designer and illustrator for over 20 years. I was a teacher (certified in secondary art and biology) for some of that time, and currently I'm a Senior Graphic Designer creating training for the corporate world. My experience has spanned from creating logos and graphics, to trade shows, vehicle wraps, tee shirts, murals, custom illustrations, videos and voice overs, and even custom plush stuffed dolls! If it can be printed or produced, I can create it! I'm passionate about sharing my experience to help others grow their design skills.


About this course

This course is designed to help instructional designers advance their understanding of visual design theory and incorporate stronger, more meaningful visuals into their instructional course design. This course will provide instructional designers with the foundations of design and color theory, resources for finding copyright free images as well as how-to instruction on creating their own images and graphics. This course also covers an overview of accessibility best practices and ensuring the ID has tools to create instruction that is accessible to all.


This course is designed to be taken in consecutive order over the span of eight weeks, with one module taken per week. Students could self-pace as desired, but it is recommended to participate in each activity in any given week to get the most out of each learning experience (as opposed to skipping ahead and not taking the needed time for the practice assignments -- these are your opportunity to apply what you are learning).


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Kris Watterson

Senior Graphic Designer

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